Which comments by bearwife were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-16Help Me Give the Gift of West Wing Jokes
2014-12-10Remembering the dead
2014-12-08Bean soups are, generally speaking, fairly boring.
2014-12-07Employee busted her butt for me this year... non-creepy gift?
2014-12-04Best day trips from Barcelona
2014-11-19How to act around an abusive relative?
2014-09-04Nice ways to cheer for a friend running a marathon?
2014-08-29audiobooks or podcasts for my 8 year old daughter
2014-08-28"Do I eat or water this bunch of ""organic produce""?"
2014-08-19What are the best cities in the world for walking, arting, and eating?
2014-08-13Binding arbitration
2014-07-11Help me unpack some of my weirdness around giving gifts.
2014-06-27My dog is dead, and I'm a mess
2014-06-18Suggestions for unusual, exciting condiments
2014-06-10How do I de-program my paper-ripping cat?
2014-02-24Recommend me stores known for quality goods
2014-02-24Help me think of a name for my potential business.
2014-02-24Can we eat it? - enchilada edition
2014-02-24Crock-pot-stew-themed apology puns sought
2014-02-24Can we eat it? - enchilada edition
2014-02-19How do I talk with my spouse about her long term unemployment?
2014-02-12How can marriage be a states-right?
2014-01-30What are you experiences with medicating anxious dogs?
2014-01-28How I learned to stop worrying and love the workaday life
2014-01-16Reacting Emotionally to work