Which comments by brainmouse were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-29Collaborative suggestion box for employee ideas?
2014-12-22Help me reorder my after-hours life?
2014-12-18Will the mold kill me?
2014-12-08Comfortable floor seating for tall adult?
2014-12-07Latitude Not Accessing Free Internet But Ipod Is
2014-12-02Dimmable LED's: what am I doing wrong?
2014-11-13Why are Table Legs?
2014-11-06Help me with a sliding scheduling problem?
2014-11-06Help me with a sliding scheduling problem?
2014-11-03How to get laptop activity to show up on TV (they're VGA-cable-connected
2014-11-03Baby, you can tow my car.
2014-10-30How can I explain why street harassment is wrong?
2014-10-30Is this calendar NSFW?
2014-10-11Source for Box Office Figures?
2014-09-18Mac woes - how do I print my documents like I want them?
2014-09-16Representing American Craft Beer to Amsterdam
2014-08-18Open-world game on iPad for young'uns.
2014-08-12Online education: turning graduates into a community of mentors?
2014-08-07Excel Filter: IF Statements and Concatenate
2014-08-05Help me track down a funny barbershop quartet song!
2014-08-01I Need A Snack with Dill, Rosemary or Sage.
2014-07-28Bipolar Oven
2014-07-25Perfect timing or terrible timing in informational interview request?
2014-07-11Where should I live in SF?
2014-07-11Where should I live in SF?
2014-07-11Where should I live in SF?
2014-07-06Kindle Paperwhite or Kindle Fire for 10yo boy
2014-06-26How to deal with a landlady who wants to keep an entire security deposit
2014-06-16How in the heck can I watch Oakland A's games live?
2014-06-12Is Lasik worth pursuing if my eyes are wonky?
2014-06-10How do I de-program my paper-ripping cat?
2014-06-04International dating- help me stay safe in worst case scenario
2014-05-22How do I insure a newborn on short notice?
2014-05-15A twitter follower getting into stalker-uncomfortable territory
2014-05-14This is not my miniature life! Please help me visualize these dimensions
2014-05-09Help me find a big hat for my big fat head.
2014-05-06Gimme beauty without cruelty!
2014-04-16Pronouce kestävyys
2014-04-11Need a blue and bronze Ravenclaw tie
2014-04-09This is my perfect running song. Are there others?
2014-04-03Looking for a windows taskbar notification program.
2014-04-01Or I Could Just Tie a Sash Around a Hefty Bag and Call It a Day
2014-03-27It's (Not) in the bag
2014-03-25Drinking water safe adhesive available in the UK
2014-03-19What kind of scam is this?
2014-03-04Car insurance estimate without having to enter SSN.. see inside
2014-03-03Why no alcohol content info on the wine label?
2014-02-27Keep it secret, keep it safe
2014-02-21What do the professionals use to remove computer viruses?
2014-02-10Help me find metal storage bins.
2014-02-05What's this tune?
2014-02-04Don Quixote had windmills, I have lighthouses
2014-01-30Landlord changing building locks and I can't get the key
2014-01-13How can I turn this into an online questionnaire or survey?
2014-01-06Help me with a WORD document in PAGES for iPAD