Which comments by telegraph were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-06Food? How?
2014-12-02How to deal with differently sized guest lists at a small wedding?
2014-11-07Are there separate fart and poop muscles?
2014-11-03Almost-instant meals
2014-11-01I wasn't vaccinated. Now what?
2014-10-28Why do I have to get semi-naked to see a doctor?
2014-08-31Big Happy Music
2014-08-15How can I lose weight without getting obsessive about it?
2014-07-16Phone etiquette experts: How to be polite when sound quality sucks?
2014-06-25why did so much of Philadelphia smell like gas yesterday?
2014-06-23Why am I having leg, ankle and foot pains when I walk and jog?
2014-04-26Tell me who can fix my body and teach me how to keep it balanced!
2014-04-25Please indulge my vanity
2014-04-24Er ... should it be in, or out?
2014-04-13What's the best way to do a Whole30 with very little spare time?
2014-04-11My twenties are wasting away and I'm unhappy, how can I be happier?
2014-04-04Pizza in Brooklyn?
2014-04-02How can I ensure that I poo daily?
2014-03-28Finding the best doctor
2014-03-27How'd you lose those last 10 lbs?! Tell me!
2014-03-04What vaccines / meds do I really need to go to India?
2014-02-19Turning the corner on 50 (pounds down)
2014-02-15CS academia vs. industry, with snowflakes
2014-02-11Always be prepared?
2014-02-11Why can't I handle multiple responsibilities?
2014-02-01Are comma splices becoming grammatically acceptable?
2014-01-29Anti-histamines during Immunotherapy
2014-01-19Help me find this movie
2014-01-19How to find totally, utterly random musical selections
2014-01-16Help me work my triceps
2014-01-12How to prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness? (DOMS)
2014-01-10I'm almost finished with my beginner runner program. Now what?
2014-01-02how to liquidate thousands of indian leather bags from the 80s?
2014-01-01How much should I worry about this lump?