Which comments by Chocolate Pickle were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-29What is wrong with my fireplace?
2014-12-10How well do dime-sized TV antennas (like the ones Aereo used) work?
2014-12-07Recommend me an awesome boardgame
2014-12-06Software for a funerary photo/video slideshow
2014-11-30Noneasy 3d printer for hobbyist
2014-11-23Korean and Japanese Philosophy
2014-11-22If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes
2014-11-22Why did pioneers think it was a good idea to settle in Buffalo?
2014-11-14Names of characters that didn't exist, or were hidden in plain sight
2014-11-13The Anti-Paranoid Protagonist vs. the Accumulating Coincidences?
2014-11-10I need more goofy things in my life
2014-11-06Paypal displaying Kijiji homepage
2014-11-06Game me.
2014-11-03Movie Title help
2014-10-27"Identify story/movie/TV show based on ""Most scientific!"" vague quote?"
2014-09-22-Fine Quality- Bacmsfots Rgo Quassrmkg (Inquire Within)
2014-09-17Need some clever car names
2014-09-05McAfee and Me
2014-09-02How do you use what you learned in school?
2014-09-02Name that animal!
2014-09-01Turning off the outrage
2014-08-15Statistics Book for an interested teen
2014-08-10Which algorithms changed the world?
2014-08-10Which algorithms changed the world?
2014-08-08comp.risks for the ancient world
2014-08-03The best future is a mystery novel
2014-08-02Another reason to not buy groceries when you're hungry
2014-07-28Financial Assistance for Adding New Siding With Insulation.
2014-07-26Books about WW2 in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific
2014-07-22Science Wanted: kitchen powder identification edition
2014-07-04Help me find a handheld GPS that feels like it's from this century.
2014-07-01Canon S100 battery pack error
2014-06-09Introductory sources on biological classification
2014-05-25"Going to Tokyo, allergic to soy. Help me build a list of ""safe"" dishes!"
2014-05-22Oral B electric toothbrush charger compatibility
2014-05-20One More Tree or One Less Garden?
2014-05-19How do countries sue each other?
2014-04-22What are some gluten free shelf stable proteins and veggies?
2014-04-21Looking for good Let's Plays or tutorials that are minimally twitchy
2014-04-20"What television shows would you consider to be ""emotionally harrowing""?"
2014-04-17When the sweet science turns sour.
2014-04-17Report a Gmail hack attempt to the hacker's IP?
2014-04-06Who is on the tv?
2014-03-13Examples of neighboring countries' involvement in domestic conflicts
2014-03-03Being a real _(person's name)_
2014-03-03Being a real _(person's name)_
2014-02-25"""young lady"""
2014-02-20Press a button, hear a random recording. How do I make one?
2014-02-20Help me find songs with similar approach re: dealing with daily life
2014-02-10What's the title of this Japanese book?
2014-02-05Crash Course in Visually Stunning Animated Films?
2014-02-05Crash Course in Visually Stunning Animated Films?
2014-02-04An equally true history of the world?
2014-01-31Does Barbara Ehrenreich get rape threats??
2014-01-29Post your wild theories about why dinosaurs were so big:
2014-01-27Remote access software
2014-01-25Does anywhere currently exist like Kowloon Walled City?
2014-01-21Where are the doorways to magical worlds?
2014-01-20Does anywhere currently exist like Kowloon Walled City?