Which comments by jquinby were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-05-01Tokens left on a fictional pilgrimage?
2014-04-29What's a good movie to rent for a bunch of twelve year-old boys?
2014-04-28Networking a House
2014-04-14Help name blog by adult toy store employee
2014-04-03What's Small, Thin, and Heavy?
2014-03-28Ex-XP? What should I do with my old XP running laptop?
2014-03-27What's on this raspberry?
2014-03-27What caused this ice formation in my mother's birdbath?
2014-03-15Technology orgasm nightmare
2014-03-12Help me find this funny video I saw on ebaums world Circa 2002?
2014-02-28Help me identify the big metal thing I saw on the highway
2014-02-17I'm your Tiny dancer, dancer for money, and any old music will do.
2014-02-17wanted: cat. not wanted: lifetime poop-scooping duty
2014-02-17How to detect bots on my game website?
2014-02-17How to detect bots on my game website?
2014-02-08Name these fish (please)?
2014-02-08Name these fish (please)?
2014-02-08Name these fish (please)?
2014-02-08Name these fish (please)?
2014-01-27My very first food poisoning question
2014-01-21What does the Target data breech actually mean to me?
2014-01-20Question about violent language used by a 6 y/o boy
2014-01-17Help Me Buy Cigars. I Don't Smoke.
2014-01-16Where are all the ancient architectural drawings?
2014-01-14More shows like Downton Abbey and Wives & Daughters?
2014-01-13Fascinating, geeky single-topic web sites from the 90s/early 00s?