Which comments by barchan were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-11-18I crave order!
2014-11-10Like hiking the Pacific Coast trail...only not
2014-11-06Should I take this job and move home?
2014-11-05"Something something ""talk in your sleep"" something..."
2014-11-03Help! How can I fix my leaky chimney?
2014-10-03Marriage hacks
2014-10-03Marriage hacks
2014-09-23Should I attend this scientific conference?
2014-09-17The little guy in my head
2014-09-08Agricultural UAV's and crop analysis
2014-08-29It may be small but it packs a punch.
2014-08-15Looking for Fun Lake/Swimming Activities and Games I Can Play by Myself
2014-08-14Well, at least it covers the chain link fence.
2014-08-14Give me your most jargon-filled work-related statements
2014-08-12Mysterious mediterranean marine artifact
2014-08-09Road scholar
2014-08-09Road scholar
2014-07-28Looking for video sources/movie references for natural phenomena
2014-06-30Please suggest great but lesser-known non-fiction to give my dad.
2014-06-27Does diatomaceous earth harm lizards?
2014-06-14What did Robert Oppenheimer say about scientists' drive to get results?
2014-06-10A great quote in 20 words or less. GO!
2014-06-04Workplace etiquette question
2014-05-15Historical novels, subtype 'just-so' stories?
2014-05-15Historical novels, subtype 'just-so' stories?
2014-05-01Great job or great organization?
2014-04-27Things to do in Denver with your kids?
2014-04-12Let's all sing the most sanctimonious song ever written!
2014-04-09Crazy worry Wart Dad needs advice for kids
2014-04-04Giardia or indigestion?
2014-01-27Non-minimalist running shoes for the minimalist?
2014-01-03What kind of rock is this?
2014-01-03What kind of rock is this?