Which comments by Pogo_Fuzzybutt were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-14I suck at negotiating and purchased a vehicle worth less
2014-10-29Cars with Takata airbags but not yet subject to recall??
2014-10-20Doctor said toddler has allergic rash, but should I get a 2nd opinion?
2014-09-24New Old Car filter
2014-09-19"It goes ""POOM-poom pa-DUM pa-dum, dum-ba-dum-ba dum"". Got that computer?"
2014-09-19How Should We Sell Our Parking Spots?
2014-09-17Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
2014-09-13Will soldering heat ruin an 18650 cell?
2014-09-12Chilling out a puppy
2014-09-03Sinus Surgery Tips and Tricks
2014-08-22Windows Server vs Desktop OS for Running a Server
2014-08-22Yes, I have heard it's a lovely town
2014-08-18Can you help me ID and replace this piece of my dresser drawer slide?
2014-08-13Help me level up my camp cooking
2014-06-27My dog is dead, and I'm a mess
2014-06-13How can I learn to communicate better and be less awkward
2014-06-05Did I fix my sump pump? Was there even a problem?
2014-06-02Early Lyme Treatment Success Stories Request
2014-05-19"How do I know if the car dealer ""really"" cancelled my buyer's agreement?"
2014-05-12How feasible is it to replace a car stereo yourself (in a '01 Nissan)?
2014-04-29Winter, we're coming
2014-04-29Winter, we're coming
2014-02-26Is it actually legal to bandit a marathon? (run w/o registering)
2014-01-06Can I get my petrol back?
2014-01-04Portable power pack recommendations
2014-01-03Things to do in Denver when it's cold?