Which comments by jessamyn were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-27Should I take medication for anxiety?
2014-12-26I'm good at certain things. What cool stuff can I do with these skills?
2014-12-21Desserts for the unmotivated
2014-12-20Pro tips for setting up iPad for elderly mom
2014-12-19Scrabble Peeve Filter
2014-12-18Hand controls for aging drivers?
2014-12-14Ethics of downloading ebooks
2014-12-12How do I banish these bitter feelings?
2014-12-11What is this blue plastic thing?
2014-12-11Who died and left me hall monitor? Oh, wait...
2014-12-01Original Comic Book Sketches, where are you?
2014-12-01Help me quantify extra hours, please, please, a please please.
2014-11-30Not at fault - make a claim?
2014-11-29Sources for historic photo art
2014-11-29Car Maintenance for Womenfolk
2014-11-27VHS to DVD in Bucharest, Romania
2014-11-24Please help me replace aim.
2014-11-24Need recommendations for a Bird Identification book.
2014-11-23Innocuous parts of the dark web?
2014-11-1970s radio mashup question
2014-11-19Care box for sinus surgery patient?
2014-11-18Brinks Home Security - Stop beeping!
2014-11-13Planning day-after-wedding activities near Burlington, Vermont
2014-11-06Are there separate fart and poop muscles?
2014-11-04Single Candidate Elections and Write-In Candidates
2014-10-31Why does my local library never have the books it says it has?
2014-10-27Please help me stop talking like a female chauvinist sow.
2014-10-27Please help me stop talking like a female chauvinist sow.
2014-10-23"What talisman/coin/medal is attached to this ""Evil Eye"" bracelet?"
2014-10-23"What talisman/coin/medal is attached to this ""Evil Eye"" bracelet?"
2014-10-23Searching for Children's book about a yellow goggle sporting bird
2014-10-23Make my mornings less painful.
2014-10-22Is this friendship doomed?
2014-10-20Seeking simple WMV to MP4 file transcoder
2014-10-11The Devil I Don't Know is Still a Devil
2014-10-06"Walkers, is this a ""thing""? Help me understand..."
2014-10-03basic keynote question (i'm helpless)
2014-10-01Can you suggest a flavor profile?
2014-09-25How does giving to charity reduce tax liability?
2014-09-25Plan to move to across the country for love. How do I tell my parents?
2014-09-24Veggie dishes that hold well in frigde or freezer?
2014-09-23Quite the (tasty) jam we're in...
2014-09-18Oh Wise Ones...I need your OkCupid Profile Help!
2014-09-17Essential books for a school library
2014-09-15Undocumented workers and the LFPR
2014-09-13You should give up/ try harder/ love yourself/ lower your standards
2014-09-11How To Get Rid of a Nearly Full Gas Grill Propane Tank
2014-09-11Unemployment after voluntary retirement
2014-09-10Best practices for raising rates?
2014-09-10Awesome day trips from Prague, Krakow, and/or Budapest?
2014-09-10What is Ford Madox Brown's lastname?
2014-09-10What is Ford Madox Brown's lastname?
2014-09-03Sinus Surgery Tips and Tricks
2014-08-29two weeks notice and a bit of retaliation. what is my last day????
2014-08-27Nutritious baked snacks for my toddler
2014-08-25Why am I getting so many Airbnb rejections from hosts?
2014-08-25This space unintentionally left male (mostly)
2014-08-22GRE Test Prep
2014-08-22(veggie) burgers and other analog recipes
2014-08-18How do I keep the salon from making my haircut too femme?
2014-08-18Hit me with your best Barium cocktail recipe
2014-08-15Hey, bub... Wanna buy a cathedral?
2014-08-14Current issues in archival reference
2014-08-12Methods of approximation?
2014-08-10Unexpectedly free for a night in London — suggestions for what to do?
2014-07-21Ending friendship like a grown-up
2014-07-15Language for dates
2014-07-10Help me plan for a difficult conversation with my mother
2014-07-09Northern Nova Scotia/ Cape Breton vacation tips?
2014-07-02Former epileptic getting her license back in Ontario; insurance?
2014-07-02Help me make my friends laugh... in less than 24 hours.
2014-07-01Vermont getaway accessible by train (and no car), and maybe camping?
2014-06-30Please suggest great but lesser-known non-fiction to give my dad.
2014-06-29Bird ID
2014-06-29Grad school decisions
2014-06-27I Feel Like I Won the House Lottery
2014-06-25How bad is satellite internet service?
2014-06-23Clean eating and living...or is it?
2014-06-17Library books (and e-books) vs. physical copies of books for children
2014-06-13Learning About Ableism
2014-06-11What is this terrible spider
2014-06-10How is non-stolen offline credit card fraud possible?
2014-06-09Tips for Visiting a Robert Frost Landmark?
2014-06-03USPS lost my passport. What now?
2014-06-03Living 'below' your means, tips, experiences?
2014-06-01How do payments on property in a trust work?
2014-05-30My houseguest will be staying for weeks but doesn't have spending money
2014-05-28Memorial Etiquette
2014-05-28Help identify this painting
2014-05-28a black sheep by my own design
2014-05-26What can I say that will get him to lock the door?
2014-05-23Getting Facebook Inbox Messages to Default to Full Conversation
2014-05-23Help me be a better executor
2014-05-19Driving from Dallas to Boston for a move -- any advice / pointers?
2014-05-19Oh, just get over it!
2014-05-19YANML: How does SSA calculate earned monthly income
2014-05-16Gifts for liberal, active, outdoor peeps?
2014-05-07How much did I contribute to my mom staying in her abusive marriage?
2014-05-05Weird, unusual, and hidden parts of Washington, DC?
2014-05-05The rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
2014-05-01How can I practice gratitude while recognizing and fighting injustice?
2014-04-22Solitude 101.
2014-04-22Left wing copyright, intellectual copyright scholars?
2014-04-22How can a planner and an impulse-traveler make it work better?
2014-04-14Help name blog by adult toy store employee
2014-04-11help us replace boxed rice with rice cooker recipes
2014-04-10What's a good topic for a one-hour math lecture?
2014-04-10My dad the penny pincher
2014-04-09He's just definitely that into you
2014-04-02Quick to anger, implode and then shake really bad
2014-04-01How to be there for someone from far away
2014-03-30How does deleading work when you're already in the apartment?
2014-03-27Is the Peace Corps considering domestic (US) assignments?
2014-03-26Films by artists?
2014-03-20"What is a ""2048 Combo""?"
2014-03-19"Generally speaking, how bad of an idea is it to go ""car camping"" alone? "
2014-03-18"""Damnation, I've run out of air!"""
2014-03-13Help me identify this song based on the melody
2014-03-10How to stop these doubts about whether I am over-sensitive
2014-03-08trying to connect tv, laptop
2014-03-03Armageddon tired of messy kitchens
2014-02-26Changing your name...some of the time?
2014-02-25This indecision's bugging me
2014-02-22What is the most correct, current term for Palestine?
2014-02-20Things to do in Dubai?
2014-02-19What kind of tax help should I be getting?
2014-02-19Why are airline computer reservation systems so slow?
2014-02-19How would you characterize Phys Ed in k-12 US schools?
2014-02-18Computer for the elderly
2014-02-13That Obscure Object of Desire, you know, for kids.
2014-02-10Help me find metal storage bins.
2014-02-08Hypochondriasis meets actual illness?
2014-02-07Basements and Attics in North America
2014-02-06Graveyard in the median of a divided highway in New England?
2014-01-29Anti-histamines during Immunotherapy
2014-01-26Looking for movies and books where engineers did their jobs right
2014-01-26Is it so that they can draw the classic house + sun crayon drawing?
2014-01-19Is it normal for your friends to make snide comments about your SO?
2014-01-14Help me introduce my 72 year old mother to the Internet
2014-01-04Are there credit cards that list more detail on each transacton?
2014-01-01Tell me how you read.