Which comments by soren_lorensen were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2016?

2016-12-21What are the best features to have in a newer (2015+) car?
2016-12-17Star Trek, for toddlers.
2016-12-15"Popular podcast about ""tulpa""?"
2016-12-02Starter Toolkit as a Gift?
2016-12-02What could be bothering my baby at night?
2016-12-01another running question! 5K to 8K?
2016-11-30What could be bothering my baby at night?
2016-10-24Short but Scary - for middle schoolers
2016-10-19Introducing a short term dog foster (Advanced Beginner Dog)
2016-09-19Brain dead with eggplant - help me make dinner!
2016-09-12How can I activate?
2016-08-01How do I answer the (apartment building) door with a newborn?
2016-07-24How does one break up a dog fight?
2016-06-24Can a Non-Brit Complain About BBC Treatment of Trump Re: Brexit?
2016-06-08Our larger team is now ready to use Slack! How do I make this happen?
2016-05-21Rent vs Buy: Rental Market is Bananas edition
2016-05-20Clothing babies; politely disseminating a baby registry
2016-04-03"What is a ""MUST BUY"" in London?"
2016-04-01One Person's Trash is Another's Yadda Yadda
2016-03-30How do you make a splendid cup of tea?
2016-03-28Duck Duck GAAAAAAH
2016-02-09Project Information from Clients Minus Email Hell
2016-01-25Second career teaching high school computer technology in NY State?
2016-01-15Practical Plague Prophylaxis
2016-01-13Birth debrief- helpful?
2016-01-08Answering the questions of a preschool scientist