Which comments by Bentobox Humperdinck were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-19CD/song filter - Make Me a Channel of your Peace - Harlem Choir
2014-12-11Who died and left me hall monitor? Oh, wait...
2014-12-08How to stop self-sabotage and fear of success
2014-11-29Hello, giant jar of homemade sauerkraut. How do we cook with you?
2014-11-21Help me be myself in the world of dating.
2014-11-20Reading recommendations for someone who wants healthier relationships?
2014-11-19Help us vacation on an island (Saint Martin vs Grand Cayman)?
2014-11-16Managing relationship doubts while depressed
2014-11-15How to feel the holidays?
2014-10-19Hindsight is 20/20
2014-09-28Help me be stronger and more resilient
2014-09-15Foodie with an ulcer
2014-09-03Tell me about MagiQuest
2014-09-02investment property novice seeks… uh… what should I seek?
2014-08-30Thinking about others until it's inconvenient
2014-08-02Too many interests, not enough time: how to be realistic and choose?
2014-07-23I Have (Go)Daddy Issues, Help Me Resolve Them Without Therapy
2014-07-23food du jour in hipsterland
2014-07-18Bookmarking a page of results in academic search engines
2014-06-11Do you have any suggestions for non-seasonal apartment door decor?
2014-06-10What are the real risks to having a google account?
2014-06-10How much does shaving your legs cost you?
2014-06-10Please help me buy my first car! Snowflakey details inside.
2014-06-06Help me stop becoming a man-hater/bitter ice queen
2014-06-05Am I qualified for this and, if not, what AM I qualified for?
2014-05-14Help me respect people in my life that don't seem like they are trying.
2014-05-13How do I have an honest, ethical fling with a friend-of-a-friend?
2014-05-13How do I have an honest, ethical fling with a friend-of-a-friend?
2014-05-01How can I practice gratitude while recognizing and fighting injustice?
2014-04-22I was that kid who was always picked last in gym class
2014-04-22Nooope. Not going through this again.
2014-04-21Neighbor's bass is slowly rendering my innards to gelatin - advice?
2014-04-14Anxious jealous insecure EEEEEEEJASFADF​JKLSAJKFLSDJ!!
2014-04-10I just have my suspicions, is all
2014-04-08Getting faster at reading in-language
2014-04-07"Can I please get a copy of that ""This Is How People Act"" memo?"
2014-03-29Help me understand this American Civil War-era reference
2014-03-2820 attendee weekend event / Non-Profit Membership woes questions
2014-03-28Should we seek additional help?
2014-03-26Kitchen cabinet refacing
2014-03-25I can't quit, you're firing me
2014-03-20Roommate leaving the door open; what to do?
2014-03-14Creeper, no creeping! Getting a stalker vibe from someone, what to do?
2014-03-14Box spring or wood slats?
2014-03-03I don't know what I want, but it shouldn't be this hard
2014-02-26Is it actually legal to bandit a marathon? (run w/o registering)
2014-02-11Where to find reliable people to perform small tasks?
2014-02-11Why can't I handle multiple responsibilities?
2014-02-10How to prevent daily tasks from overwhelming me?