Which comments by Sequence were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-01So Eshakti Does Not Believe in Fractions
2014-11-19How to act around an abusive relative?
2014-11-14Overpayment by employer - gross vs. net repayment
2014-11-13What's the best tech solution for me?
2014-10-30How do make peace with my career anxieties so I can update my C.V.?
2014-10-22what shall i do with the ex i work with in the same office 3 feet away?
2014-10-15LSAT Offering me a letter explaining test center problems?
2014-10-13Was my friend rude to grab popcorn out of my bag without asking?
2014-10-11Is it possible to find dates if you're a person seeking a person?
2014-10-07How can I justify buying a Hudl 2?
2014-09-14Reconcile me to singledom
2014-08-20minor weight loss for someone with history of ED
2014-08-15Hey, bub... Wanna buy a cathedral?
2014-08-12I need a physical therapist for my… tongue?
2014-08-05What are the hat rules?
2014-06-27I just lost my appetite. Again.
2014-06-24Inviting only *some* family to our wedding?
2014-06-01You Just Can't Get There From Here...
2014-05-30Teenage Boy, SSRI Change for Weight Gain
2014-05-28Should I Join a Gym?
2014-05-21"We broke up. I found out he cheated. Should I tell the ""other"" woman?"
2014-05-17What are some of your experiences with Fluoxetine (Prozac)?
2014-05-17Lessons UK can learn from the US education system?
2014-05-15My paycheck shrunk about 10% from last time because of withholding. Why?
2014-05-14Mantras for Enduring Loud Inane Noise
2014-05-05What are ways to optimize a one-day-a-week work/consulting arrangement?
2014-05-05What are the best sugar-free simple cocktails?
2014-05-01How can I practice gratitude while recognizing and fighting injustice?
2014-04-27"Where can I find ""real"" work-from-home jobs?"
2014-04-23Google pulling the rug out from under Voice. What will remain?
2014-04-21help new relationship between vastly different yung'uns work
2014-04-18Now he's just some weirdo that I used to know.
2014-04-14Graduate Housing for the Complicated
2014-04-11Ideal instrument for a child to learn music?
2014-04-10What's a good topic for a one-hour math lecture?
2014-04-02I hate dressing up. There, I said it.
2014-03-29How do I get fit while I get sick?
2014-03-25How do I protect my assets from my brother’s bill collectors?
2014-03-23tell me about your loosest lightest summeriest pants.
2014-03-23tell me about your loosest lightest summeriest pants.
2014-03-17How to quell impending blog doom from Aunt Lisa
2014-03-07YANMTA. You are not my tax accountant.
2014-02-28What does the (E) in ISO 10555-1:2014(E) stand for?
2014-02-26Do I have to pay capital gains tax if I made no profit?
2014-02-24Looking for a good, cheap, 10in Android tablet
2014-02-17wanted: cat. not wanted: lifetime poop-scooping duty
2014-02-15Am I always going to be asking permission for Internet?
2014-02-14Can you help me pick a Linux distro?
2014-02-01Are comma splices becoming grammatically acceptable?
2014-01-31What Game Was That?
2014-01-25I feel like I’m not good enough. How can I battle my depression
2014-01-25Who do you recommend I hire to help me achieve my goals?
2014-01-11This can't continue
2014-01-09False noise complaints and an eviction threat
2014-01-05How can I create a healthy relationship with my soon-to-be stepmother?