Which comments by pretentious illiterate were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-31Hiding from a stalker
2014-12-13Made a mistake last night - how to improve the situation
2014-12-05How can I support myself as an artist?
2014-12-01My fiance wants to reschedule our wedding (again)
2014-11-15How to feel the holidays?
2014-11-11How should a person be?
2014-06-14Trying to find a quote from Gone with the Wind
2014-06-04Devil Worship Is A Flat Circle
2014-05-16Do I need to apologize and destroy all evidence?
2014-05-16Do I need to apologize and destroy all evidence?
2014-04-28"Another ""name that gruesome childhood short story"" question."
2014-04-23Winter itinerary for South Africa
2014-04-23I don't process things quickly compared to other people. Why?
2014-04-17Being okay with disliking someone
2014-04-14Graduate Housing for the Complicated
2014-04-12Let's all sing the most sanctimonious song ever written!
2014-04-11What is this Adrienne Rich poem about?
2014-04-11Name that book I half-remember from my childhood, episode n
2014-04-09He's just definitely that into you
2014-04-03At the risk of sounding super ironically lame, I ask: how can I be cool?
2014-03-28Stutter filter: what can I do to best set a stutterer at ease?
2014-03-17A parachute for jumping off the Ivory Tower
2014-02-27Meditation and I'm moving backwards?
2014-02-05More dark thrillers by women?
2014-02-03Prior knowledge = omniscience?
2014-02-02Can we build on soccermom's great post about platitudes?
2014-01-21My kingdom for a dog.
2014-01-19Can I really learn to ski?
2014-01-09I've been dreading this moment.
2014-01-04Am I being strung along or is he just scared and taking it slow?