Which comments by jaguar were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-10I will give you space until it comes out of your ears
2014-12-09Can I contact a social worker to deliver a gift?
2014-12-08Help me soften a lot of rage, please?
2014-12-05What's the fancier version of this family recipe?
2014-12-05Cooter or bust!
2014-12-04The Monster in the Closet
2014-12-01How to deal with differently sized guest lists at a small wedding?
2014-12-01Cat drama. Must fix. Winter is coming!
2014-11-25Help me hate my commute less
2014-11-20Reading recommendations for someone who wants healthier relationships?
2014-11-15How to quit my au pair job gracefully
2014-11-11Could you give me tips on navigating hostilities at work?
2014-11-08How do you move on after a really bad fight?
2014-11-06How do you move on after a really bad fight?
2014-11-06Looking to Experience Rapid Decompression
2014-10-27Please help me stop talking like a female chauvinist sow.
2014-10-23Mysterious Italian (maybe) parade, 1966
2014-10-23Mysterious Italian (maybe) parade, 1966
2014-10-20Appropriateness of becoming friends with your therapist (after therapy)
2014-10-19friend is late to plans 95% of the time
2014-10-07"""The Chinese"" or ""Chinese people""? Confused about wording!"
2014-10-06Postpartum Depression vs. Sleep Deprivation
2014-10-05What should I have done when I saw this homeless man today?
2014-09-29Transfer of social work qualifications between Anglosphere countries
2014-09-27Did I mess up this job interview by being evasive?
2014-09-26Explain the physiological aspects of my anti-depressant withdrawal
2014-09-26Do I fail at being an adult?
2014-09-24Where is my Native American?
2014-09-22How can I help my husband's depression while still being fair to me?
2014-09-22How can I help my husband's depression while still being fair to me?
2014-09-21Babies in bars in Indiana
2014-09-18Two polar opposite friends clashing, who would've guessed?
2014-09-13Reconcile me to singledom
2014-09-11Which language should I learn after Italian: Spanish or French?
2014-09-03Best way to get timely help for anxiety focused around writing?
2014-09-01How to fit in with your classmates when you'd rather be independent
2014-08-30Help me be less angry all the time
2014-08-25What do I do about a friend?
2014-08-20Advice on how to manage without authority
2014-08-20As an agnostic, how can I successfully work with a religious client?
2014-08-20As an agnostic, how can I successfully work with a religious client?
2014-08-05Partner's Abusive Ex and Communicating My Boundaries
2014-07-23The answer is probably suck it up and learn to deal
2014-07-10Help me plan for a difficult conversation with my mother
2014-07-07How do you keep your calm when everyone around you is manic?
2014-06-10Please help me finish this quiz
2014-06-07Help me stop becoming a man-hater/bitter ice queen
2014-06-02Help me deal with subclinical... everything...
2014-06-02slow fade isn't working
2014-05-31Have you ever called a crisis hotline? (or answered calls for one?)
2014-05-30Have you ever called a crisis hotline? (or answered calls for one?)
2014-05-30Have you ever called a crisis hotline? (or answered calls for one?)
2014-05-30Teenage Boy, SSRI Change for Weight Gain
2014-05-29He wants me to work. I want to make babies and joy. Can it blend?
2014-05-27Dear Neighbour: Fix your car. Now.
2014-05-07Why do I punish others and how do I stop?
2014-04-24Possible new career: clinical psychology? What do I need to know?
2014-04-23Avoiding molluscs in Italian food
2014-04-06"Can I please get a copy of that ""This Is How People Act"" memo?"
2014-03-21Gender inequality in couples moving for work?
2014-03-21Gender inequality in couples moving for work?
2014-02-09Definitive answer about ADHD meds needed
2014-02-09Definitive answer about ADHD meds needed
2014-01-26how to ask for help
2014-01-22Help me learn to see
2014-01-20I know this isn't a grammar site, but I sneaked this in anyway
2014-01-12Focus on the present