Which comments by AppleTurnover were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-27Did I do something wrong that I'm missing? Isn't college $ good?
2014-12-27Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
2014-12-13Made a mistake last night - how to improve the situation
2014-12-08My Google Calendar is Not My Own
2014-12-07Employee busted her butt for me this year... non-creepy gift?
2014-12-05Apartment Hunting in San Francisco in 2014
2014-12-05Attorney for a college disagreement
2014-12-02How do I become a fight announcer?
2014-11-22Why did pioneers think it was a good idea to settle in Buffalo?
2014-11-19Care box for sinus surgery patient?
2014-11-12Can someone help me find a particular common laugh track sound effect?
2014-11-12Can someone help me find a particular common laugh track sound effect?
2014-11-10Life Without a Microwave
2014-11-04"Let's play ""name my website"" again!"
2014-10-14Advice for switching to Windows 7
2014-10-13How to refer to mismatched page numbers in a PDF document?
2014-10-11How would George Jetson buy a car?
2014-10-10Screwed by supervisor -- what to do?
2014-10-08How do I not be a meet cute mouse?
2014-10-03is there any way to get this guy to stop harassing me on the street?
2014-09-29Facebook URL in print?
2014-09-29Salsa out overnight
2014-09-13Reconcile me to singledom
2014-09-12More of that music, please.
2014-09-09Social undermining, Reply-All email edition
2014-09-08Is the commute worth it?
2014-09-07Going to DC Sept. 16, 17 and 18. Yay! Fun things to do?
2014-09-05Discouraged with my job prospects-- how to stop feeling worthless?
2014-09-04Is there a reason for preferring ISIL name over ISIS version?
2014-09-03Apparently my wife's laptop has a problem with Libya
2014-08-10Another where should I move question
2014-08-08Putting a fledgling journalism career on hold and coming back to it later?
2014-07-29I have only 80 hours left of work, but should I bail early?
2014-07-29Can you lower this amount slightly?
2014-07-20Communities without newspapers
2014-07-18Take this job and...shove it?
2014-07-16Dealing with high thyroid
2014-07-16Phone etiquette experts: How to be polite when sound quality sucks?
2014-07-07Moving far away, getting jobs far away - what's the plan?
2014-05-29Can I eat it: bacon!
2014-03-23Yet another laptop buying question
2014-03-12What do you look for in a good reference?
2014-02-15How does someone with staqe 4 cancer find The One?
2014-02-07Basements and Attics in North America
2014-02-05Threatening/creepy Prank phone call. Do I do something about it?
2014-02-03Mac emulator for Windows?
2014-01-18Will Twitter give me my biz's Twitter handle if it's taken but inactive?
2014-01-16Reacting Emotionally to work
2014-01-16Should I Give Tampons Another Try?
2014-01-16Is there a name for this style of hip hop? *air horn* *gunshot*
2014-01-01When should an author respond to reviews?