Which comments by three_red_balloons were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-11-10Group Project Workspace Midtown Weekdays NYC
2014-11-04Relocation Research: Tips, tricks and resources, please!
2014-11-03Relocation Research: Tips, tricks and resources, please!
2014-11-03Almost-instant meals
2014-10-30Help me keep my boyfriend's head on his neck, please!
2014-10-29Help me find the perfect desk
2014-10-26De-Un-Pimp My Apartment!
2014-10-20Where to get this Rob Ford poster?
2014-10-08My work cup filleth over with self-doubt. How shall I banish it?
2014-09-30How do you get to work in a studio apartment?
2014-09-26what are some steps that I can take towards my ideal career set-up?
2014-09-19Narratives - Neuroscience and psychology
2014-09-18Time Enough At Last?
2014-08-29Fix my ashy feet?
2014-08-01I Need A Snack with Dill, Rosemary or Sage.
2014-08-01How do I find an insurance broker? Portland edition.
2014-07-30HEPA filter to keep neighbors second hand smoke out?
2014-07-21writing with the shakes
2014-07-17Dog crates that fit a Modern house?
2014-07-11Where should I live in SF?
2014-06-26How to deal with a landlady who wants to keep an entire security deposit
2014-06-26Fun stuff to do on a Sunday night in the San Francisco Bay Area
2014-06-26Fun stuff to do on a Sunday night in the San Francisco Bay Area
2014-06-25"""Emergency"" alterations in Copenhagen, Denmark "
2014-06-20Books to take a train by
2014-06-11Please help me make peace with my high efficiency washer.
2014-05-19"Saving the ""content"" of Master Document as a Separate Document"
2014-05-12Accepting the things I cannot change
2014-04-17How can I pick myself up and keep going?
2014-03-26Refundable airline ticket, or last minute purchase for uncertain date?
2014-03-22Landlord wants to replace gas oven with electric. Help?
2014-02-04"What is with the advice, ""Write a letter and don't send it?"""
2014-01-24Smalls steps for a better world?
2014-01-17The type of San Francisco coworking space with books and stuff
2014-01-07Help me do basic things like feed myself