Which comments by jetlagaddict were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-26Fun activities for a family of nerds in Montgomery County, MD
2014-12-26Fun activities for a family of nerds in Montgomery County, MD
2014-12-20The Professor Is In
2014-12-07Academic microfilm access and personal-use copies
2014-11-21How and where to get special training for a dog?
2014-11-17The Spice Must Flow ( and hopefully season something tasty)
2014-11-10These are a few of your favorite things...
2014-11-10Life Without a Microwave
2014-11-07How do I get colleges and universities to respond?
2014-11-07Looking for Hi-Res, Easy-Scrolling Awesome Historical Art Sites
2014-11-03Almost-instant meals
2014-10-22Little black book
2014-10-13Are mountain lions freeloaders?
2014-10-13 Small, affordable, giftable, items common in USA, but not in France
2014-10-10Seeking ideas and recipes to use in an after-school cooking club
2014-09-13Trying to remeber a short story about alien archeologists
2014-08-31Make dark rum less... rummy?
2014-08-22(veggie) burgers and other analog recipes
2014-08-21I guess I'm moving to West Hollywood?
2014-08-21First time finding interns, what do I do?!
2014-08-20Images of crops/livestock before selective breeding
2014-08-18Help me do a vacation, part two
2014-08-15Hey, bub... Wanna buy a cathedral?
2014-08-14Well, at least it covers the chain link fence.
2014-08-13Tier 4? More like Tears 4Ever.
2014-08-12How To Fly When Walking is a Challenge
2014-07-30Where to get individual health care in California
2014-07-22Cauliflower and cashews substitutes in vegan recipes?
2014-07-22Cauliflower and cashews substitutes in vegan recipes?
2014-06-24Inviting only *some* family to our wedding?
2014-02-26International wedding registry headaches
2014-02-26Can I get married in Maryland if I am already married in another state?
2014-02-23Shopping-filter: Husband's reunion?
2014-02-04Daily Academic Newsletters
2014-01-28Portable food: travelling computer tech edition.
2014-01-28Portable food: travelling computer tech edition.
2014-01-16Where are all the ancient architectural drawings?