Which comments by easily confused were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-31Hiding from a stalker
2014-12-24Conversation stopper
2014-12-11Should I Retract my DMCA Complaint?
2014-12-08Help me soften a lot of rage, please?
2014-11-25Should I stay or should I go.......again?
2014-11-15How to quit my au pair job gracefully
2014-10-05Pants! (Both kinds)
2014-09-17How far from land were prison hulks placed?
2014-08-12Got sent home from work for being 4 minutes late one too many times.
2014-08-07Alarm for parents of a sleepwalker?
2014-08-05Roommate scammer or just flakey?
2014-07-28Help me make the most of the time my mother has left.
2014-07-15Language for dates
2014-06-25Hauling stuff on a car with no roof rack
2014-06-14Never in my life did I think my son share/split...the restaurant tab
2014-05-27What can I say that will get him to lock the door?
2014-05-21Neighbors and condo repair situation in Somerville, MA
2014-05-12Familly Politics and Pregnancy - What's the Right Thing to Do?
2014-05-08How much did I contribute to my mom staying in her abusive marriage?
2014-05-07How much did I contribute to my mom staying in her abusive marriage?
2014-04-23Toronto Condo Bylaw...how far can they go?
2014-04-21Research for being a wealthy young lady in 1920's Venice?
2014-04-19Looking for a woman's sports watch with no exposed metal.
2014-04-10Old car + too much auto insurance.
2014-04-06Am I in the clear?
2014-03-18How to quell impending blog doom from Aunt Lisa
2014-03-18How to quell impending blog doom from Aunt Lisa
2014-03-11How to stop these doubts about whether I am over-sensitive
2014-02-06Does anyone recognize this logo?
2014-02-06How to thank the doctor that gave my son the chance to live
2014-02-03Why don't they just play INDOORS?