Which comments by lollusc were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-22Reputation in an academic department – should I stay or should I go?
2014-11-13Help me help my partner in grad school
2014-11-05Help me experience joy again.
2014-11-03How to make a fortune selling other people's junk online!
2014-10-23Make my mornings less painful.
2014-10-17Does a local pharmacy keep stock of all drugs, all the time?
2014-10-03Not so much should I eat it but rather does anyone else eat it?
2014-10-03Not so much should I eat it but rather does anyone else eat it?
2014-09-27Which portable recorder for an oral history project?
2014-09-20Doc Martens - quality gone downhill? Also, sizing question.
2014-09-09let me ask you a question. And tell you the answer
2014-09-07DIY gift registry and wording of said registry - help!
2014-09-06Going to Prague and Budapest; should I bone up on my German?
2014-09-03Best way to get timely help for anxiety focused around writing?
2014-08-26Wait, who are you again?
2014-08-042 shades of gray
2014-07-30Can you give me examples of open ended pet adoption questions?
2014-07-07Help me build the cat room of my kitties' dreams!
2014-06-27I Feel Like I Won the House Lottery
2014-06-24Inviting only *some* family to our wedding?
2014-06-11Calling all librarians...
2014-06-02Why does lack of food cause head/neck pain?
2014-06-01You Just Can't Get There From Here...
2014-05-25How to handle the anxiety of major life changes?
2014-05-16$220 for a service, or put that towards a new bicycle?
2014-05-03The doritos stalk at midnight...
2014-04-24Is it a good idea to live next door to a sibling?
2014-04-09Old car + too much auto insurance.
2014-03-30Help me decide which martial art to pursue.
2014-03-17A parachute for jumping off the Ivory Tower
2014-03-13Are all-but-absentee supervisors common in public service jobs?
2014-02-13That Obscure Object of Desire, you know, for kids.
2014-01-27Heavens to Betsy, what gives, Etsy?
2014-01-20Meggle butter vs grass fed kerrygold and Organic valley?
2014-01-19Help me decide where to go for a month of relaxation
2014-01-18Academia, depression, apathy, and meaning
2014-01-17High Calorie : Mass ratio foods
2014-01-10Cognitive impairment; Low IQ; Self teaching and academic accommodations
2014-01-05Say what you mean and mean what you say