Which comments by His thoughts were red thoughts were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-11-30Not at fault - make a claim?
2014-11-25"What's that scene where he calls a guy ""Slumdog Millionaire""?"
2014-11-24Your favorite zombie fails?
2014-11-05How to get over my anger about assault/street harrassment
2014-11-02How to un-hook podcasts between my iPad and my Mac?
2014-09-16Do you have a goatee? Why?
2014-09-09Modern Japanese design shops & studios
2014-09-09Did I do the right thing? (witnessing others subdue attempted thief)
2014-09-09Did I do the right thing? (witnessing others subdue attempted thief)
2014-09-02a fact is a fact, & your state of mind won't alter it by a hair's breath
2014-08-13Jazz Duo Albums
2014-08-06How do I choose which job?
2014-07-23What do the Dutch do cross-country?
2014-07-23What do the Dutch do cross-country?
2014-06-24Why would police need my birthday?
2014-05-26What can I say that will get him to lock the door?
2014-05-18Recommend a vertical bicycle storage solution, please.
2014-04-27What is the approximate capacity for party attendance at Wayne Manor?
2014-03-24Recommend fiction featuring the decline of a global superpower, please!
2014-02-18What do you call this thing used to cut tags off of new items?
2014-02-05"""She is the one named..."" wait who?"
2014-02-05Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-05Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-04Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-04Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-04Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-04Find me places to eat in Sydney
2014-02-04Find me places to eat in Sydney