Which comments by FAMOUS MONSTER were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-25He doesn't like my Christmas.
2014-12-10Of Questions Angelogical
2014-07-21Boston, Austenite. Austenite, Boston.
2014-07-21Boston, Austenite. Austenite, Boston.
2014-05-28Friend's blog post leads to relationship strife and ethical debate
2014-05-21How do I get a 198 lb box up two stairs and inside before it rains?
2014-05-06Arachno-Identifier + Bonus Herb Protection
2014-05-02Rules for dating: 1...
2014-05-02Rules for dating: 1...
2014-04-21help new relationship between vastly different yung'uns work
2014-04-15Please rescue my thieves
2014-04-15Please rescue my thieves
2014-04-11Why do I have to put the hot chocolate in first?
2014-04-10OKC Profilefilter, Part n+1
2014-04-09"What makes a woman ""creepy?"""
2014-03-26Drawing hacks and tips for beginners?
2014-03-10You've critiqued my profile. Critique my messages!
2014-03-06How important is height disparity to short guys?
2014-02-19"Dear Google: ""red yellow smashy tail ankylosaurus he-man"""
2014-02-07Help me stay sane and functioning this weekend, please?
2014-02-06Prior knowledge = omniscience?
2014-02-03Major Depressive Disorder and Imaginative Fiction
2014-01-28"Dating with PTSD - And Tell Me Cutting Off This ""Friend"" Was Right"
2014-01-21"Questions about the ""Serenity"" Film"
2014-01-08How to deal with passive aggressive females?